Our Story
This company sprouted after Jake and Alex’s first hunting season together in 2021. Though both had their own experiences in the hunting world, it wasn’t until they began the journey together that they realized their is so much more to hunting than the success.
“I can vividly remember the moment I knew I had found my forever hunting partner. We were sitting in a tree together for a sit when two fawns came chasing each other, running around the tree we were in. As I glanced at Alex, her eye’s had lit up and a huge smile was on her face. I could not have been more happy that I could see someone who appreciated the little things that others would may have dismissed. I am so happy for that memory.” - Jake Cassani
One year later, the couple utilized their mix of artistic ability and blue collar mindset to create hunting designs and clothing that people would be proud to wear. A place where everyone can share their experiences from the woods in one place and feel represented for the hard work that it takes to be a true hunter.
What we stand for
At Dirty Hands Hunting, our journey began with a shared passion for archery hunting and a deep love for the great outdoors. We recognize that each day spent in the field, whether fruitful or challenging, is shaped by the hard work and dedication behind it. Getting your hands dirty and mindset ready is just one of many steps into being a successful and smart hunter.
Success in hunting is never guaranteed. It requires countless hours of scouting, preparation, and perseverance. We believe that every experience teaches us valuable lessons that enhance our skills and deepen our connection to nature.
By sharing our experiences and representing our brand, we believe we can create a community of outdoorsmen and women who understand it is much more than a trophy on the wall.